You Can Appear Popular. Here's How.
In the game of life, it often comes down to this:
Some people are socially attractive.
Others aren’t.
Some people upload scores of pictures that show themselves surrounded by those who are desirable and delicious.
Others don’t.
For those who are already socially attractive, uploading these pictures is no prob. They have tons of them—just from this month.
But for the rest of humanity—the other 97% of the population—life is not so exciting. And that’s a problem because the appearance of popularity translates into social capital.
What to do?
I can imagine service that will take pictures of you with attractive people in a variety of enticing social environments.
Let’s say I start this service. We’ll use some imagination here.
I would begin by hiring a pool of attractive people to include in the photos with you. These people need to be attractive, but not so attractive that the shots with you in them become too hard to accept. We could squeeze you into this appropriately attractive cast of characters for a variety of group shots. For example, there could be pictures of you on a hay ride, surrounded by attractive members of the opposite sex. They are clearly laughing at a joke you just told. Fresh smiles. Sparkling eyes. All directed toward you, you little devil.
Of course, there would also be several pictures of you just one-on-one with other members of the opposite persuasion. You are irresistible, and the pictures don’t lie.
Would you do this for $99.99?
Or what about a Photoshopped version for only $49.99?
Would you do this if you were confident that no one would discover your secret?
What would paying for this service say about you?
And if this business became successful, what would it say about our culture?
Some people are socially attractive.
Others aren’t.
Some people upload scores of pictures that show themselves surrounded by those who are desirable and delicious.
Others don’t.
For those who are already socially attractive, uploading these pictures is no prob. They have tons of them—just from this month.
But for the rest of humanity—the other 97% of the population—life is not so exciting. And that’s a problem because the appearance of popularity translates into social capital.
What to do?
I can imagine service that will take pictures of you with attractive people in a variety of enticing social environments.
Let’s say I start this service. We’ll use some imagination here.
I would begin by hiring a pool of attractive people to include in the photos with you. These people need to be attractive, but not so attractive that the shots with you in them become too hard to accept. We could squeeze you into this appropriately attractive cast of characters for a variety of group shots. For example, there could be pictures of you on a hay ride, surrounded by attractive members of the opposite sex. They are clearly laughing at a joke you just told. Fresh smiles. Sparkling eyes. All directed toward you, you little devil.
Of course, there would also be several pictures of you just one-on-one with other members of the opposite persuasion. You are irresistible, and the pictures don’t lie.
Would you do this for $99.99?
Or what about a Photoshopped version for only $49.99?
Would you do this if you were confident that no one would discover your secret?
What would paying for this service say about you?
And if this business became successful, what would it say about our culture?
you havent posted about what your diary plans are for Jan. 1st.
i know it will be interesting...
Anonymous, At
9:58 AM
You ever cease to make me smile!
I can imagine a guy liking this service. Men surrounded by georgous women have status and other women want them. But women are too jealous to be surrouded by other women more attractive than they are, and really ugly women would be self conscious to be surrounded by georgeous men if it is not for real. Just one thought.
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